CLAP London’s Japanese Culinary Journey Unfolds in Knightsbridge, Designed by Noriyoshi Muramatsu

CLAP London brings its Japanese dining experience to Knightsbridge with design led by Noriyoshi Muramatsu founder of Studio Glitt.

Home of sensory Japanese dining CLAP London opened on in January 2024 in one of London’s most prestigious areas, Knightsbridge. Located a stone’s throw from the iconic Harrods, the 9,731sq. ft location transforms a refurbished tube station into a sprawling, three-level culinary destination. The décor has been created by Japanese designer, Noriyoshi Muramatsu founder of Studio Glitt.

Japanese culture is renowned for its rich traditional elements and diverse modern subcultures. Studio Glitt’s vision at CLAP London was to encapsulate these aspects in a contemporary interpretation, introducing Londoners to Japanese cuisine while creating a fresh hub for Japanese culture. Their meticulous design features chandeliers that seamlessly blend traditional EDOKIRIKO, a Japanese glass-cutting technique, with contemporary glass-crafted ANIMÉ characters. These elements symbolize the dual facets of Japan’s cultural tapestry, representing both its traditional heritage and modern pop culture.

CLAP London has been intricately designed to offer Londoners an authentic glimpse into Japanese heritage, effortlessly blending traditional and contemporary elements. Central to the design philosophy is the concept of MOTTAINAI, deeply ingrained in Japan’s historical ethos.

Drawing inspiration from Japan’s tradition of achieving prosperity with limited resources, Studio Glitt wanted to embrace sustainability as a core principle. Much like Japan’s historical buildings constructed with recycled materials, CLAP London repurposes weathered steel plates, originally used at construction sites, for interior decor. This commitment to repurposing not only aligns with the spirit of MOTTAINAI but also creates a unique, time-worn aesthetic that transforms the space into a fresh and inviting attraction.

In essence, CLAP London seamlessly amalgamates Japanese culture and the enduring spirit of the Japanese people, offering a timeless and sustainable space that aims to become a cherished source of Japanese culture in London, resonating with the city’s residents for years to come.


About Alys Bryan

Alys is a knowledgeable design editor who is focused on instigating conversations, both online and in-person, with industry experts which challenge, educate and advance the commercial interior sector. Her training and 15 years of professional experience as a furniture designer for the commercial sector makes her uniquely placed to lead Design Insider as Editor
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