Jolie Unveils Sensory Oasis: The Nest Restaurant in Frankfurt

International interior design studio Jolie have unveiled the interior design scheme for The Nest, an upscale restaurant concept in Frankfurt, Germany. Positioned between the banking district and the Alte Oper, and situated within the grounds of notable local landmark, BAO, which offers a generous, green outdoor area, the restaurant serves as a temporary development, and is expected to operate for five years.

Constructed on a pre-existing car park, The Nest faced unique structural challenges due to weight and loading limitations. To address this, Jolie employed innovative design techniques, opting for lightweight yet robust materials such as lime-wash paints, laminates and plasters to maintain the integrity and bold aesthetic of the space. This modular construction not only ensures minimal impact on the existing infrastructure, but also enhances the project’s sustainability. The Nest’s entire structure is designed for
future relocation, supporting a life cycle that minimises waste and maximises reuse, embodying Jolie’s commitment to environmental stewardship and adaptable, long-lasting design.

Jolie lead designer, Emma Flowers said:

“Our brief was to create an atmosphere not just of relaxation but of distinct escapism, reminiscent of the breezy, eclectic eateries of Tulum and California. We envisioned The Nest as a serene retreat—a vacation hideaway nestled in the heart of Frankfurt.”

Jolie Creative Director, Sarah Wakefield continued:

“We drew inspiration from some of the most vibrant and successful hospitality spaces worldwide. These included the uncomplicated, fresh approach of Elliots in London; the Gjelina Group in LA, who are renowned for their relaxed yet high-quality ambiance; and Sereneco in Brooklyn, a space that beautifully brings the outdoors inside. By blending these influences, we have created a unique environment that is not only visually appealing, but delivers a multisensory retreat that resonates deeply with the cosmopolitan vibe of Frankfurt.”

Jolie CEO and Founder, Franky Rousell explains:

“Our vision was to create a space that transcends age, offering a versatile haven where anyone can find their perfect spot. Our approach ensures that whether you’re seeking a quiet corner for contemplation, or a vibrant setting for social engagement, The Nest provides a welcoming atmosphere that appeals across generations.”

A Feast for the Eyes

As a sensory-led design studio, Jolie believes in incorporating scientific sensory research to emotionally drive people in their environment. The visual experience at The Nest is a tapestry of soothing and stimulating elements. Cool, calming tones establish a sophisticated foundation, with unexpected pops of vibrant colour enhancing the energy of the space. Emma Flowers explains:

“By using a palette of warm, neutral tones and textures, alongside terracotta tadelakt and timber detailing, we crafted a space that evokes warmth and balance, perfect for both the early morning coffee drinker and the evening cocktail enthusiast. The transformation from day to night is seamless, aided by ambient, glowy lighting that invites intimacy and warmth as the sun sets.”

The entrance and main restaurant feature a design palette that is breezy and transportative, inviting diners into a setting that feels both contemporary and comforting. Key visual elements include generous natural light and strategically placed greenery that blur the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces. The design is anchored around a striking red gloss bar, which serves as a vibrant focal point, drawing the eye and grounding the space.

“We integrated elements of nature throughout,” says Flowers, “using green lime wash and real plants to enhance the connection to the outdoors, ensuring every corner of The Nest helps to diffuse the hustle of city life and refresh the spirit.”

Ambient Echoes

Sound is a sense often overlooked in interior design, but one that Jolie paid close attention to in their design for The Nest. The acoustic landscape has been carefully considered to complement its visual aesthetics, with Jolie curating a selection of ambient music, featuring the likes of Malibu Beach and LeChiffre Beats, to play throughout the day, enhancing the atmosphere from the buzz of morning coffee to the relaxed vibes of evening cocktails. The soundtrack helps to create a seamless transition from the lively outdoor terrace to the more intimate settings of the dining and lounge areas.

Scents of Serenity

As with every Jolie interior design scheme, fragrance plays a pivotal role in The Nest’s sensory experience. The main dining area and bar are infused with the fresh, connecting scents of sandalwood, bergamot and citrus, designed to reduce anxiety and enhance the social atmosphere. The outdoor dining area features the uplifting aroma of fresh green fig, while the restrooms offer a revitalising blend of juniper and cedarwood, ensuring that each moment at The Nest is underscored by a thoughtful olfactory experience.

Textural Touches

The tactile elements at The Nest are designed to evoke comfort and luxury. From the plush tactile texture of the banquette seating encouraging open, meaningful conversations to the smooth, cool pink marble of the bar, every surface is selected to appeal to the touch. The outdoor lounge’s use of natural wood and soft textiles invites relaxation and a connection with the natural world, enhancing the overall tactile experience.


About Alys Bryan

Alys is a knowledgeable design editor who is focused on instigating conversations, both online and in-person, with industry experts which challenge, educate and advance the commercial interior sector. Her training and 15 years of professional experience as a furniture designer for the commercial sector makes her uniquely placed to lead Design Insider as Editor
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